Game Warden Training Center

A Vision for the Future


Texas Game Wardens are widely recognized as the best-trained corps of conservation officers in the country. They carry on a proud tradition that began at the turn of the 20th century when the Texas Legislature passed the first game laws to protect the Lone Star State. Since then, Texas Game Wardens have dedicated themselves to protecting the state’s natural resources for future generations.

The many demands of modern conservation law enforcement training have outgrown the small Austin facility. It is hemmed in on all sides by neighborhood development and there has been discussion since the early 90s about the need to move the Academy to a location that better serves its needs.

Help us give them a home.

In 2005, the Police Activities League approached TPWD about donating more than 200 acres of the ranch it owns in Hamilton County as a potential future home of the Texas Game Warden Training Center. The development of a modern training center will be a multi-year, multi-million dollar project. Private donations and corporate sponsorships will be a critical factor in realizing the vision of a world-class facility.

About the Facilities

Energy Conservation

All buildings and facilities at the Texas Game Warden Training Center will meet LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification standards. LEED standards promote design and construction practices that increase profitability and efficiency, while reducing the negative environmental impacts of buildings and improving occupant health and well-being.

Site Infrastructure

The Texas Game Warden Training Center will require road construction, water and electric improvements and expansion, upgrade to existing facilities, security fencing, walkways, site signage and other infrastructure enhancements.

Building estimates are based on unit costs established by the R.S. Means Facility Construction Costs Data 2006 Edition applied to square footages determined by TPWD staff, working in conjuction with Law Enforcement Division representatives.

Future Operating Costs

One goal of the current capital campaign is to create an endowment fund sufficient to satisfy operating costs over and above those presently incurred by the Austin training facility. TPWD Law Enforcement and Infrastructure Divisions anticipate that operating costs for the new Texas Game Warden Training Center will be reflective of the energy efficiencies designed into the entire complex.

Administration Building

The Administration Building will serve as the hub of the new Texas Game Warden Training Center. It features a high-ceiling stone lobby area, office space, conference rooms, TCLEOSE records storage area, and other essentials for a modern administrative training headquarters.

Approximate square footage: 5,000



Multiple classrooms in this facility will be used for cadet training and in-service classes for licensed Texas Game Wardens. State of the art presentation technologies will be included in all classrooms as well as the auditorium which will seat up to 100 people. The library and computer lab will provide space for continuing education materials, cadet training and on-line testing and in-service publications.

Approximate square footage: 4,320



This facility will feature the Fire Arms Training Simulator that provides critical training for decision-making skills via instructor-controlled video scenarios that incorporate the use of communications, suspect restraint and control techniques, baton, chemical spray and firearms.

The building will also house the main armory for the TPWD Law Enforcement Division, with all weapons issued and disposed of through this facility. Ammunition will be stored in a secure room separated from the weapons.

Dark storage will be available for the wide variety of wildlife mounts used for cadet training, continuing education of Texas Game Wardens and public outreach.

Approximate square footage: 2,030



Physical conditioning is an essential component of cadet training. The gymnasium will house fitness and weight training equipment, a dedicated area for defensive tactics skills training, and recreation areas for team development. The facility will also include showers and locker rooms for men and women.

Approximate square footage: 5,700


Water Rescue

Game Wardens routinely patrol Texas lakes and rivers, commercial ports and the entire Texas coast. This world class facility will house a 25-meter heated pool and the necessary equipment for the rigorous swimming, aquatic survival and water rescue training required of cadets and licensed Game Wardens.

Approximate square footage: 4,750


Emergency Vehicle Operations Course

This 2.5-acre facility will include a driving course and paved surface for driving skills training required for all licensed Texas Game Wardens.

Firing Range

The 5 acre firing range is a fundamental component of any law enforcement training program. The Texas Game Warden Training Center range will include a 25-yard handgun range, 100-yard rifle range and a covered area to shelter shooters and range equipment. The range will be lighted for nighttime use and meet the standards for law enforcement firearms certification.

Cadet Cabins

Existing cadet quarters will be upgraded to meet the needs of trainees who will live at the Game Warden Training Center for a six-month period. The present bunkhouse design will be altered to provide dormitory-type lodging for cadets.

Approximate square footage: 1,100 each

Guest House

The current guest facility will be modified to house TPWD instructors and guest instructors. Space is required for a minimum of ten instructors. Two rooms will be modified for double occupancy and the remaining rooms will remain single occupancy. A common area will also be provided.

Approximate square footage: 2,400


Dining Hall

Although the existing kitchen facility is well-equipped, the structure itself will require extensive interior and exterior refurbishing. When completed the 120-person capacity dining area and kitchen will serve all meals to the cadets, staff and visitors of the Texas Game Warden Training Center.

Approximate square footage: 4,088


This facility will support the ongoing maintenance of the entire Game Warden Training Center including its buildings, facilities, infrastructure and equipment. The building will consist of a repair and fabrication shop for general maintenance needs as well as auto and marine equipment repair. Vehicle and equipment storage will also be part of this structure.

Approximate square footage: 3,600


Staff Residences

Two on-site residences will serve the housing needs of staff and their families permanently occupying the site, including the Texas Game Wardens managing the facility.

Approximate square footage: 1,800 each



The existing building adjacent to the kitchen facility will serve as the on-site infirmary, providing the necessary space and equipment to respond to the minor medical needs of the cadets and staff at the Texas Game Warden Training Center.

Approximate square footage: 1,300
