Shikar Safari Club Scholarship

Shikar Safari Club is proudly taking applications from undergraduates and graduates. These scholarships will be given on a yearly basis. And will be given in the amount of $4,000.00 each for those currently involved in the studies of Wildlife Management, Range Management and Law Enforcement.

Applicant requirements are as follows:

  1. Must be a son or daughter of an active or retired Game Warden, or a Game Warden interested in Continuing Education, of the United States of America or Canada.
  2. Course work hours qualifying as a Sophomore at the time of application.
  3. Must have a strong PRO HUNTING viewpoint on wildlife management and land management.
  4. Must be an active hunter.
  5. Must have a 3.0 or better grade point average.
  6. Must show good leadership abilities
  7. Graduate students must send a copy of the Thesis project information. No more than 1 page.
  8. Graduate students need to include both undergraduate and graduate transcripts

For those students interested in applying, please send a total of seven (7) pages. This application must have, an introductory cover letter, a resume including those courses yet to be completed, an official transcript, two (2) letters of recommendation and a current photograph. This information must be turned in and in my possession no later than May 1, 2014. Applications accepted after May 1 will be applied to the following year.

Send information to: Gary Rose
P. O. Box 237
Rosanky, Texas 78953

If your department knows of anyone, male or female, who would possibly be interested and meets these requirements, please urge them to apply.
Gary A. Rose
Scholarship Committee Chairman